Bubble China

Bubble China focuses on the very substantial economic issues facing China circa 2023.

After years of buildup, China is facing the inevitability of its industrial policy; and likely a period of recession. This journal aims to analyze the real conditions of the Chinese economy and identify both problems and solutions.

Andrew Johnston is a lawyer and entrepreneur who spent 16 years living in China. Based in Shanghai during that time, he worked in business and tech, and gained deep knowledge of the Chinese economy. Having lived in China exclusively for the better part of two decades, he understands the processes that involve in how policy is determined and carried out.

Through interactions and discussions with market participants, Andrew developed a comprehensive understanding of how the Chinese economy functions, what methods work and why, and how policies are implemented or not.

China's economy currently has several very large economic bubbles, with global implications. The process of identifying and addressing these bubbles will be difficult and imperfect, but the dangers they represent are substantial.

Bubble China hopes to explore many important concepts related to this moment in time. The hukou system, the 70-year limit on land use rights, interest rates, and other obviously exciting topics.

At this time Andrew is hopeful that subscribers interested in the future of China will decide this content is worth supporting. More supporters means more time can be allocated to writing, and more data can be integrated into the analysis.

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Most of these initial posts were ported from another platform in January 2024; they were written in October-November 2023. All archive content is available to paying subscribers.

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